Grid Grader

Fast Facts is a Science Olympiad event that is comprised of 3 rounds. In each round, competitors have to come up with a term in each of 5 categories that start with 5 different given letters - in 6 minutes. The more correct answers in a certain letter or category, the more points you get. The Grid Grader makes it easier to grade Fast Facts tests when inputted with which terms a were marked correct. No more confusing grading!

How to Use

Each cell on the grid contains a checkbox . If the term in that cell is correct, check that box.

⚠️ Note ⚠️ It's really that you select the exact category/letter cell as it is marked on the test. Fast Facts tests are graded by how many terms in each row and column are correct. This ensures that your letter and category scores are calculated accurately.

When you're done selecting which terms are correct, click the button at the bottom of the page. Your total score will be at the top of the page, while your individual category and letter scores (which are often necessary to fill in on a test when grading) will be listed on the top left corner of the table. Individual column and row scores will be displayed as well. And voila! There are your results, including everything you'll need to mark on the test sheet.

When going onto a new competitor or round, click the button right next to "grade" to clear out the table and start again.

Done? Return to the Grid Grader.